

俚语 flocked


when a bunch of college males(normally the biggest group douche bags you've ever met), get together, have a party, and try to have sex with as many girls as possible by any means necessary.
hey did you hear about those girls getting flocked" "yea dude what a bunch of douchers


adj. Condition that occurs when someone is surfing (in the ocean) and suddenly finds his/herself surrounded by other surfers. Syn. crowded. Especially found in Southern California on holiday mornings.
Even though we got in the water early, by 9am, we were flocked.


The act of performing more than 1 silent duck at a time. This would also be known as fisting a girls ass and pussy at the same time, or double fisting any orfice. (The silent duck is described in the movie Nymphomaniac 2)
Man, you'll never guess what I did last night..I flocked the shit outta this girl.
You did what???
Yes, 2 silent ducks at a time


Past tense of flock. Short for "friends locked" on Livejournal, a security setting that grants viewing access to approved members only.
I keep my pr0n flocked so my coworkers don't know how much I love teh buttsecks.


it mean shooting at someone normally the word is originated from NYC
I ran up on him and let it Flock


When you break into a place of residence with the intent to steal stuff.
Originated in Los Angeles.

"like i was flocking, i took his bitch in a heart beat" -Heartbeat by YG 400

"they gave me 6 months in the county cus i got caught flocking" - Fast by YG 400

"my niggaz... flock in the house, hope he come out with the safe" -First Pass by Nipsey Hussle

"Whats flocking? Breaking in homes, B and E, burglary, damn you slow" -Californication by Nipsey Hussle
guy 1: what you gunna later on?
guy 2: nothing, why? watup?
guy 1: i need rent money, you down to go flocking
guy 2: fo sho, hopefully no one is home and we dont get caught.


noun: The LOST television show character without a name, dubbed Flocke. The nome-de-plum comes from the combination of Fake-Locke; as the character currently appears to look like the deceased Locke.

verb: To Flocke someone is to completely destroy them as the "Smoke Monster" does on the television show LOST.
Dude, I'm going to totally Flocke Jamie if he bugs me Wednesday night.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:38:36