

俚语 floobles


The act of shoving your toe in someone's butt whilst it is covered in Jell-o.
"Damn! I was sound asleep and Max gave me a Flooble! I came in my undies!!"


A Nicer (More Civilised) Way Of Swearing So As Not To Offend Anyone.
"What the flooble??" or "Oh, flooble" or "Oh for flooble's sake"


To have a 'flooble' is to fancy someone who technically you do not really know. Someone who you never talk to, who you may only ever view from a distance. You are basically a creepy stalker, but who isn't right?
Stalker Guy 1 - I fancy her. (points to girl in the distance)

Random Guy 2 - What? I've never even seen you talk to her! How can you fancy her?

Wise Guy 3 - Ah, I see, you my friend, most definitely have a flooble for this girl.

Stalker Guy 1 - Yes! That's what it is!


Segments of fat skin on ones body.
Love handles, chub, belly, and fat rolls.


The act of fat on a humans body jiggling.
Man that guy floobled like never before

flooble flobble

Usually said when one has nothing to say, or when one wishes to be weird, in a sentence with no added context. Has no known meaning.
"...Flooble flobble."

flooble flobble

Said when one either has nothing else to say or wishes to be weird. Usually said out of the blue with no added context (but can be used in a functioning sentence). The word can mean many things, from one's biggest wishes and desires to spiders.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:27:49