confused, in a state of inner turmoil. if soemone feels floopy, nothing is going right and they can't make sense of their life or the things that are happening to them.
Rachel (on Friends) - ...everything was figured out and (now that it's not all figured out), everything's just like...(acts out juggling)...floopy.
A DNAism*. In the manner of a happy mattress.
Douglas Noel Adams
Douglas Noel Adams
The mattress bounded floopily across the plains.
adj. Acting in a uncharacteristic (sometimes humorous) manner, such that others are confused/disturbed by such behavior
Emma was acting floopy as she stuck her fingers in her ears and danced around the room.
That feeling when you're all lazy and feeling heavy, and cannot bring yourself to do anything much.
You've just had a beer and a jay, it's quite late, there's nothing good on TV, but you can't be bothered to do anything else. You're feeling floopy.
when a man's cock is extremely soft, enabling his girlfriend, or anyone he chooses, including himself, to play with it, flopping it around from side to side, up or down, and enjoying the flaccidity by squeezing
you cock is so floopy! it's so much more fun than when it's hard...
when youre feeling really sad, opposite of floopy is un-floopy
I know youre sad its a hard and floopy world out there.
1.a step above being loopy.
2.Crazy nut so.
2.Crazy nut so.
Konraidy has gone a to being floopy.