

俚语 flooze


also floozy, floozie; a female prostitute or someone who is very easy, promiscuous, slutty, etc.
That girl looks like a flooze in those short shorts and tight top.


person who becomes flirty after drinking
He is such a flooze every time he drinks too much Hennessy. I can't take him anywhere.


1. a style of music evoolving from 90's alternative rock that emphasizes the use of orchestral instruments (strings, woodwinds, brass, ect.) in place of or accompanied by the typical rock guitar. 2. (more common) music that sounds weird, or has strange qualities, compared to mainstream music of the time period.
1. put a cello, some violins, and a clarinet together and you got a flooze band!

1. "no doubt" (the band), can argueable be catergorized into either flooze or ska.

2. the moog cookbook's music is major flooze....

anyone heard that new band? they're like, totally flooze.


A girl who is a total ditz, she's stupid but an easy lay/slut.
Heather, Morgan's girlfriend is a total flooze.


A common abbreviation of the word "floozy". Meant to denote promiscuous or loose behavior, generally, on the part of a woman.
K: "Looks like Jessy's up to her harlotry again!"

C: "What a dirty flooz!"


To be high stoned, mash up. . or tipsy
"Bruv You look Floozed, wut u bin sippin/bunin/smokin/chewin :D


The act of intercourse. Similar to tubthumping, banging.
Dam dude, that floozing session last night was off the hook!!




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