

俚语 florida-georgia line

florida-georgia line

A sound heard when a wild southerner screams in agony.
Craig made a florida-georgia line when he stubbed his toe.

The Florida Georgia Line

When two cousins come extremely close to having intercourse.
Does putting the tip in count as crossing The Florida Georgia Line?

Florida Georgia Line

A line of cocaine from a woman's vagina leading up to her breasts (or her "Florida Swamp" to her "Georgia Peaches". )

The cocaine equivalent of a body shot.
"Yo! John and I just did a Florida Georgia Line off of Jenny at the party last night!"

Florida-Georgia Line

When your gut has been hanging over your pubic region so long there is a crease.
That man has a well-developed Florida-Georgia line. I hope he keeps it clean.

Florida Georgia Line

The act of snorting a rail of bath salts off a transgender persons aroused penis in the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth
I heard that Joseph did a Florida Georgia Line last Friday night at Applebee's.

Florida Georgia Line

A male professing his love for another male, mostly through music or poetry but could include as much as sharing outfits or hair products.
Luke gave Daisy the boot and gave Bryan his Florida Georgia Line.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:43:19