

俚语 flotched


adj: Having an alcohol to blood ratio so monumentally fucked that one vomits up everything but their stomach lining, intermittent w/ apologies and various exclamations of 'I'm going to die'. One may be deemed 'flotched' if symptoms include insisting to the night manager that they be put on community service, being vulnerable to A+ Facebook hacks, or begging to have one's stomach pumped.
'Fuck I was flotched last night...'

'I know dude, I saw the pictures on Facebook'.


Drunk, incoherent, Intoxicated
Last night we got flotched.


When a woman passes gas out of her anus and the air bubble goes up her vagina.
I thought I had to fart but it ended up as a flotch.

I will never wear those jeans again. I was flotching all night long.

to flotch

to aimlessly switch channels on TV, usually late at night, when you have nothing better to do but don't feel like going to bed yet.
Wife comes homes, husband is sitting in front of the TV. She asks: "Hey honey, what are you watching?"
Husband answers: "Nothing, I'm just flotching."

When ads interrupt my show I can't help but to start flotching.

I don't really watch TV, but I like to flotch.


to gamble and lose. a fart that's much too wet. similar to a shart, but much, much worse.
oh lord, i just flotched!


Fat crotch. The area of a male or female's flabby torso that connects to the crotch area to form a basketball-like appendage.
Mr. Joe's flotch hit me in face as he turned to hand me my graded paper.


See felch
I flotched your Mom last night.
9 out of 10 dentists recommend you flotch every day.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:22:57