The bewildering mixture of astonishment and disappointment upon discovering that the target of your interest is essentially dating a younger version of you.
Flurm is no fun, but it's better than trichinosis.
To get down, be lazy, party, have fun. A put down as in screw you
That guy is flurming! What in the flurm does that mean? Flurm you! Flurm off!
A person who likes to take things personal or assumes everything said by you is for them.
I dont like talking to Adrian, he's such a flurm
cum sprayed up the nose, which is then "snot-rocketed" into the anus, and then anally shot onto a Jeremy's of closest Proximity's face.or mikeys
I was flurming his ass so hard last night my transgendered friend blew a nut on my porcelain figureins.