

俚语 flying cock

Flying cock

The act of two heterosexual men sitting side by side in public when it is more practical to sit across from each other.
James and Ted received strange looks when they were flying cock during happy hour.

flying cock monkey

some one who bothers you and wont leave you alone.
your foot steps become theres. creepy huh. That person becomes the flying cock monkey..... "look out dorthy, the monkeys will get you!"

flying the cock

When you've got a threesome going with two girls, one is laying on top of the other, and you alternately penetrate each one, i.e. insert penis into the top girl, then withdraw and insert it into the bottom girl, then the top one again, then the bottom, ad infinitum until orgasm. This is flying the cock. Originally coined by Jeffy of RSD.
I flew the cock with Sydney and her mom last night dude, it was awesome--Jeffy would be proud!

I'm flying the cock bitches!

Fly by cock in the eye

When one of those irritating guys for no reason whatsoever catches you by suprise and slaps his cock in your eye.
Im setting at the computer just typing away and I holler hey hunny bring me something to drink he goes to get my drink then brings it back sets it down and I assume he goes back to whateveer he was doing and I unknowingly let my guard down then out of nowhere Wham a Fly by cock in the eye.


When for no apparent reason guys surprise you by slapping you in the eye with their cock.
I'm setting at my computer and yell "honey get me something to drink" He leaves the room returns with my drink and places it on the desk.I assume he goes back to whatever it was he was doing and all of a sudden from out of nowhere Wham a "Fly-by-cock-in-the-eye.I'm left digging my contact out of my eye socket while he's running through the house giggling in utter triumph.

Flying Cock

The flying Cock is a cock that flys around mainly in people face saving the day from the flying butt but has explosive cum.
Tyler: Is that the flying cock!?
Flying Cock: BOOM
Tyler: Yummy




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