

俚语 flying low

flying low

Used to casually slip into conversation the fact that someone in the conversation's zipper (or fly in UK) is undone, promting them to do it up.
Bob: "So I was like what the hell you can't talk to me like that and..."
Sam: "Wait, dude, your flying low!"
Bob: "Damn man!"
*sniggers from nearby people*

Flying Low

To fly under the radar, or operate in a less than obvious way
I was flying low and managed to slip into work un-noticed

Flying Low

A point in time after you took your last hit of "coke". Usually after about an hour, when you are coming down miserably.
About an hour after my last hit of numb numb, I was really "Flying Low".

low flying duck

another word for fart, similar to barking spider
kid; daddy your gross.
dad; what? it's the low flying ducks again.

Fair pluck of the low-flying crow

To give someone a fair or equal chance at attempting something highly difficult.
You'll never make that - we're skipping your attempt". "Come on, fair pluck of the low-flying crow, mate!

Eat the arse out of a low flying duck

so hungry that if the opportunity arose, you would in fact, eat the arse out of a low flying duck
im so hungry i could eat the arse out of a low flying duck

I could eat the crutch off a low flying duck

To be so hungry that if a duck were to fly over you quite close to your head you would reach up and take a bite of the duck's crutch in order to ease your hunger pains.
Man I'm so hungry I could eat the crutch off a low flying duck!




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