

俚语 foam dick

foam dick

from getting a blowjob and the cum mixes around and makes a bunch of foam.
i got foam dick after getting fucked so hard.

foam dick

when one attends a foam party and contracts an std from the people having sex in the foam
"Holy shit some guy's penis is lying on the floor!"
"Yeah, must have got that foam dick"
"I told Jonny to keep his pants on during the foam party or else he might get foam dick.

dick foam

The aftermath of your cum after you ejaculate and decide to go for an immediate round 2 after your done look down and the cum from round 1 will be frothy
i should of cleaned up instead of going again straight away now my dicks coverd in dick foam

foaming at the dick

When a man is super horny
Man she is so hot I am foaming at the dick




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