Fake police, in the UK we have 'community support workers' who dress like the police but don't have the same powers, although they like to think they do..
Whilst smoking a big fat zoot James said look out mate, there's the police, I said, nah mate, that's the Folice, they can't do jack shit to us!
adj: Something that's more intense than it really "needs" to be. Often associated with personality or liquids. Such as someone being too funny for their own good - they just keep telling the same jokes until they aren't funny anymore. Or a mixed drink that has too much alcohol in it to taste good.
Likely origin: Taking too much Vitamin B (folic acid) makes your urine very dark and potent smelling - or "folic".
Likely origin: Taking too much Vitamin B (folic acid) makes your urine very dark and potent smelling - or "folic".
Those margaritas are so folic it's like doing a shot of cheap tequila.
Fear of Losing Internet Connection
Zoom-induced FOLIC
Folically Challenged
The politically correct term for being bald.
You: Nice hat! Why are you wearing it?
Your Math teacher: *Lifts hat to show baldness*
You: Oh... youre bald.
Your math teacher: We prefer the term Folically Challenged, thank you very much. Now do your math homework!
Your Math teacher: *Lifts hat to show baldness*
You: Oh... youre bald.
Your math teacher: We prefer the term Folically Challenged, thank you very much. Now do your math homework!