Also spelled fonch. bastardised version of funk-cheese with a visual of a fountain of rotted vaginal effluvient.
That Hooker Fontch just touched my boyfriend! I'd kick her ass but my foot might be lost forever.
What is in this nasty tasting sandwich? Some kind of fontch?
What is in this nasty tasting sandwich? Some kind of fontch?
Cross between fountain+funk+cheese+bitch. Derogatory use in regard to a woman's vaginal uncleanliness.
Man, that Hooker Fontch is NASTY!
or, 'She's all Fontchy! I wouldn't let an enemy date her.
or, 'That Fontch has laid the entire state of Texas and Puerto Rico besides!'
or, 'She's all Fontchy! I wouldn't let an enemy date her.
or, 'That Fontch has laid the entire state of Texas and Puerto Rico besides!'