

俚语 foodie's


A person who enjoys eating food, unlike everyone else, who hates food, thinks it's disgusting, and would never consider eating it.
Person #1: I'm a foodie, I love eating food!
Person #2: Wow, you're so unique. I hate food and wouldn't eat it even if I had to to stay alive.


A douchebag who likes food.
Douchebag - "I'm a big foodie."
Non-doucher - "Really? I like food too, but I'm not a tool."


A Hipster who tries to impress others of his or her taste in exocitic food but hates the taste of whatever isn't a casserole because they don't want to loose their image and be labeled a normal person.
Foodie Hipster dude: "Have you ever tried Ethiopian frog balls?"

Friend: "Who the fuck eats that?"

Foodie Hipster dude: "Obviously your not a foodie like me...God your such an average walmart shopping olive garden eating loser...sigh!"


A person who has no actual interests or hobbies.
"Oh that's really interesting! Me? Hmmm lets see, let me describe myself...well...I guess I would consider myself a real foodie"


One who appreciates good cuisine, or just eats to do damn much.
I'm a big foody, I like italian food, chinese food, food food...


A dumbed-down term used by corporate marketing forces to infantilize and increase consumerism in an increasingly simple-minded American magazine reading audience. The addition of the long "e" sound on the end of a common word is used to create the sensation of being part of a group in isolationist urban society, while also feminizing the term to subconsciously foster submission to ever-present market sources.

Though the terms "gastronome" and "epicure" define the same thing, i.e. a person who enjoys food for pleasure, these words are perceived by the modern American consumer as elitist due to their latin root forms and polysyllabic pronunciations.

Also spelled "foody"
This newest repackaging of Third World derived ingredients in the latest Trader Joe's product is ever so delicious and different, it's really made for all you foodies out there to BUY NOW!


A proletarian or member of the middle class who occasionally eats quality food, often of the type enjoyed by the higher classes but sometimes "exotic" food of foreign lands. What the foodie calls "gourmet," the upper class or upper middle class will simply call "food." Foodies often enjoy displaying their knowledge of food, which they must acquire since they must prepare it themselves, not having the finanical means to regularly have others prepare it for them.
The foodie pushed aside his TV dinners and bagged corn crisps to make way for the newly-bought fresh produce; tonight, after four hours of preparation, he will dine like a celebrity.




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