

俚语 *a miraculous whimsical ballad*

*a miraculous whimsical ballad*

-sounds sort of like a doo doo da dooo, but higher quality.
-species of corinne.
-up to 22 people around universe now. MOUTH DROPPING STATS!!!
-description: hides in trees and throws grapefruit at peoples heads. Dissapears in the trees.
-Theme Song: "We're the grapefruit throwing singasong people."
Corinne: hey what's your species?
Harrison: im part of the nifty human species...what's your species?
Corinne: *sings*....*a miraculous whimsical ballad* and thats the ACTUAL species.
Harrison: haha really?..niice. hey corinne what's your species?
Corinne: *sings as identically as before* *a miraculous whimsical ballad*
Harrison: hahahaha




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