

俚语 footy


used in England for shorter version of Football, which americans call Soccer
You goin down the park for a game of Footy?
You watching the footy tongiht?


Footage. From Freebord (skate/snowboard) culture. Video of an individual riding, doing tricks, etc. Typically hosted on a website.
You broke your bord practicing a backflip? Dude, where's your footy?


slang word used by most Aussies describing AFL (Australian Football League).
I’m going to watch the footy.


To get a guy off by using only your foot.
I got a footy last night under the table at Chili's!


The act of sending a person from one bureau to another, claiming it's in the other bureau domain.
Those bureaucrats do the footy with a person till he goes bananas, but when you owe them, they go straight to the point.


A shortened version of the word football used in:

Australia to mean either:
Australian Rules football
Rugby League
Rugby Union

England to mean:
I'm off to the footy this Friday night to see my beloved Kangaroos thump Collingwood. Man those Magpie supporters are bogans.


Slang for football - can mean many different sports depending where said -

Australia - AFL (Australian Rules) or Rugby Leauge/Union NRL

U.S.A - American Football/Gridiron

Europe, South America - They call it football, we call it soccer.

Asia, Anywhere else - I dunno wtf it means
Footy is fun to play and watch, both especially more fun if you are shitfaced.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:38:41