Main Entry: for·bar·rass
Pronunciation: \\for-ˈber-əs, -ˈba-rəs\\
Function: verb
Date: 2008
The state of being embarrassed for a person other than one's self.
1a.To cause to feel self-conscious for someone other than one's self or ill at ease; disconcert.
Pronunciation: \\for-ˈber-əs, -ˈba-rəs\\
Function: verb
Date: 2008
The state of being embarrassed for a person other than one's self.
1a.To cause to feel self-conscious for someone other than one's self or ill at ease; disconcert.
Shelby was forbarrassed upon seeing Kevin run into the traffic meter and then fall on his face and scream like a little girl as the car full of cool kids drove by in their pimp mobile.