

俚语 forcel


n. the energy consisted within an entity which contains incredible abilitites. Each type is dependent on its user. A massive amount that is summoned could cause severe damage to the user.
Phammo summons his forcel from the Mewclaw.


A forcel is a man (or, less often, a woman) who through reasons beyond his control cannot access an erotic relationship: "he was a forcel.". Forcel is also used to refer to the condition itself: "he was forcel".

Note: unlike incels, forcels never form gender-hate groups online or in the real world. Forcels simply seek what every healthy man deserves: a reliable, satisfying erotic relationship.
His wife had loss all interest in sexual relations. She did allow him to seek a girlfriend, a long as he did not spend any money on her. A woman without spending money? This put him sexually "between a rock an a hard place;" he was forcel.

Forcel Co

the team which leads the forcel users. The master generals of Forcel Co are Icexibex and Ultrantar.
The global city of Zyncess was saved by Forcel Co.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:08:19