

俚语 forted


Being left in a remote area without a ride home.
Though he was promised a ride home, Al found himself forted downtown.


moted + fort. When someone builds a fort, usually out of couch pillows, to block access from another person. person b was not just moted, they were forted
Damn....Nicole just built a fort around B. That is beyond moted. He just got forted!!!


fort + moted. When someone builds a fort, usually out of couch pillows, to block access from another person. Person B was not just moted, they were forted.
Damn...Nicole just built a fort around B. He didn't just get moted. He got forted!!!

Will Forte

The nicest cast member of SNL. Gentle and hilarious.
We need more Will Forte's in this world.


a thing at which someone excels
small talk was not his forte
her forte was not education
music is her forte

The Fort

See: Fort Apache
I'm out at The Fort.


A fort is an enclosed space made from sheets, chairs and other household items. Forts can have high ceilings.
Kevin makes semi-okay forts.

You are never too old to make a fort.




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