

俚语 fortnite kids

Fortnite kid

A fortnite kid is someone who has severe brain damage. They talk shit even though they are not good at the game they play, they then proceed to ruin other games and shows. Fortnite kids are the bane of fun. If you ever see a fortnite kid kill it immediately.
Look Seb is a fortnite kid

Fortnite kid

Based on the current popularized video game Fortnite , this term can be used for a person with a cringy or annoying presence. The game has captured the audience of like, every 10-12 year old child- as well as older people too. Many of the people playing the game play for several hours per day. Some kids become so obsessed with the game that they get diagnosed with video game addictions, fueling the fire of soccer moms across the country to blog about their anti- video game pursuits.
Friend 1: "Have you heard what happened to Jack? I haven't seen him in a while"....
Friend 2: "Yeah, I heard he's really annoying. He quotes old memes and dabs all of the time. He's kind of a fortnite kid now".

Forget Generation Z. There's a whole new generation called generation FK, aka Fortnite kids.

Fortnite kid: *does anything*

Kid's mom: it's because of those damn video games....

Fortnite kid

probably makes dancing videos and makes there parents disappointed
fortnite kid - unloved

Fortnite kid

A fortnite kid is the scum of the earth. They usually infect social media platforms like Youtube, Tiktok.

Fortnite kids often scream and whine when they don't get their way. They always try to flex with their gaming setup and vbucks. Fortnite kids always make those cringy dances thinking they're cool, when in reality, just makes you wanna just punch their baby face.
Listen to this squeaker, what a fortnite kid.

Fortnite kid

Dumb 9 year old
Go outside and get some friends Fortnite Kid

Fortnite kid

Fortnite kid is a term for a child that is possessed by a demon.

Fortnite kid

A kid who fucks a minion plushy
Fortnite kid: Timmy, I'm coming out to you
Timmy: I'll support y-
Fortnite kid: I'm a fortnite kid
Timmy: nevermind




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:42:12