

俚语 fortnite season

Fortnite Season

Another way of saying 3 months, or 1 quarter of a year.
Marco: Hey Polo, when did I open this lunch meat?
Polo: I think it was one Fortnite Season ago.
Marco: Shit, it’s now expired.

Fortnite season 5

A season where you have to wait 8 hour just to play a game!!!
Starts in 7:17:20 "omg fortnite season 5 is taking so long."

Fortnite season 6 battle pass

When lazar beam gets hard on live and your feeling cheeky ;)
fortnite season 6 battle pass is so hot i think i might date lazar lazar

Fortnite season 5

When you have to wait 8 hours to play a game!!!!!
7:15:20 "why is fortnite season 5 taking to long to work.?"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:09:43