Fortnite: The Game??
Fortnite is well dead. Trash, and more... Hope u like this def. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ 〠 ㋡
Is Fortnite: The Game?? That sucks
Fortnite: The Game??
Fortnite is well dead. Trash, and more... Hope u like this def. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ 〠 ㋡
Is Fortnite: The Game?? That sucks
Fortnite Game
Gender Fluid 11 year old's that never interacted with Femals
Fortnite Game Is Dumb Game
Fortnite Game
absolute dogshit game that simulates killing children more than school shootings on an average basis. The game is revolved around 'Batel Royal', which is the cartel's way of saying 'my child kill those chavs'
it's free, unfortunately, yet it costs your mental sanity and makes you want to commit suicide.
it's free, unfortunately, yet it costs your mental sanity and makes you want to commit suicide.
Lo: 'Hey Billy, wanna play the new Fortnite game?!'
Billy: 'Kill yourself you faggot loving cock sucking mother fucking lifeless Fortnite enjoying dogshit eating cow fucking sheep kissing piece of inbred shit.'
Billy: 'Kill yourself you faggot loving cock sucking mother fucking lifeless Fortnite enjoying dogshit eating cow fucking sheep kissing piece of inbred shit.'