

俚语 am kids

am kids

nickname for the young cast of the disney show, andi mack. consists of emily skinner, peyton elizabeth lee, sofia wylie, asher angel, luke mullen, joshua rush, darius marcell, millie simmonds, molly jackson, raquel justice, garren lake, and various others.
did you see the photos of the am kids at the music awards?

I am being kidding

It's an alternative to "JK" or "Just Kidding" or "Just Playin"
Nate: "Hey what's up?"
Josh: "Shut up, I hate you!!"
Nate: :(
Josh: "Dude calm down, I am being kidding"

who-am-i-kidding condom

The condom that all guys above 13 have in their wallets and bring to parties even though they know that they wont be getting any.
Dude A:Hey, i think that girl likes me.
Dude B:take her upstairs...
Dude A:allright, i dont think anything will happen though. im way out of her legue.
Dude B:well do you have your who-am-i-kidding condom?
Dude A:yeah...
Dude B:then you might aswell try. If the rooms a-rocking, i wont come knocking

who-am-i-kidding? condom

The sole condom, possibly past it's use-by date that is stored in the wallet of the hopelessly single.
That bitch stole my wallet! I mean seriously, what's she going to do with my expired Driver's License and who-am-I-kidding? condom

Am 2 Pm Kids

Little durty faggit kids who sit outside the am 2 pm smoking all day.
STEVE: Know callum that fuckin dirty pinner mark bitch.
Shea: Yea isn't he one of those Am 2 Pm Kids?

am kid

An abbreviation for "I'm kidding".
friend: ur mom died
me: WHAT
friend: am kid

kid am gus

Either some weird way of saying that a kid is gus (whatever that means), or simply sug ma dik backwards.
*you have been listening to this bitch way too long*
Annoying ass girl: “…and then Rebecca was like…”
You: “Omfg, kid am gus! I can’t be bothered to listen to you.”
*you leave*
She screams after you: “what does that even mean??!”




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