

俚语 fosterization


Describing the processes in which a person morphs into an idiot (Solar Panel Jargon).
The fosterization of G.W. Bush brought true joy to the Nation.


the act of breaking, butchering, or fucking something up that was perfectly fine for no reason other than personal satisfaction
Damn, you sure did fosterize that welcome mat Patrick!
Did you see the way he fosterized that car?


When you simp so hard, you can't end a platonic friendship with your crush.
"I thought Francesca didn't want to be friends with Jacob anymore"
"Nah bro, hes fostering so hard she forgave him"


Acting on an opinion or judgment hastily and without properly analyzing whether these actions would cause one’s self or others great stress or aggravation.
I was all alone in that laneway, I approached this guy by myself and really FOSTERED everything up for myself and the other guys on my team.


What the world thinks is Australian for beer. Nobody in Oz actually drinks the stuff..


A process of eliminating someone that is a political liability, by murdering them, or arranging their death somehow. Named after Vince Foster, Deputy White House Counsel during the first term of President Bill Clinton; Foster died suspiciously in office, July 20, 1993.
If Sandy Berger ever turns state's evidence in the case of his theft of documents from the Federal Archive, he may have to be Fosterized.


Similar to being tom sawyered. Being suckered into doing something which you originally thought was fun, only to turn out that what you are doing is indeed not fun.
"Come on, lets go chasing tornadoes. It'll be fun."

"No the last time you fostered me into chasing tornadoes I ended up in a mexican prison with a guy giving me a dirty sanchez."




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