21 November
Date your best friend for 1 day
Girl: Today is 21 November
Boy: We need to date
Boy: We need to date
21 November
National Wrinkly Zebra day (do yourself a favour and run around screaming WRINKLY ZEBRAS and spam people with random emojis)
21 November:
Friend: hey
You: wrinkly zebra
Friend: wtaf
Friend: hey
You: wrinkly zebra
Friend: wtaf
21 November
Date your best friend for 1 day
Boy: Today is 21 November and we need to date
Girl: Let's do it
Girl: Let's do it
21 November
National the tallest friends in the gang buys food for everyone day
If you're short you can eat free food on 21 November
21 November
The day we *kinda* made it official. On this day you can get infinite kisses (if you play your cards right;)
I: i promise to always be here for you, no matter what. I love you endlessly, beb. Happy two year anniversary. Here's to many more :)<3 -21 november
21 november
21 november is the date where all the bad bleeps are born, these are the prettiest and thickest people on earth. If you hava this birthday, everyone loves you.
Girl: look at that thick ass right there!
Other girl: she is probably born on the 21 november
Other girl: she is probably born on the 21 november
November 21
National hug/kiss and ask your crush out day :)
ask out your crush :)))) (november 21) National ask your crush out day!!