

俚语 fourfourtom


FourFourTom is Twitter famous with him having over 95,000 followers. His tweets are posts about football which his gives to his followers as 'breaking news'. This 'breaking news' of course happened about five minutes before he tweeted it and would already be there for everybody to read on the Sky Sports Twitter page. This gives Tom a mass amount of retweets for each tweet despite him not really doing anything, often his tweets will be copy and pasted jokes from other Twitter users as Tom does not know how to use the retweet button but knows how to get a lot of RTs for himself. Clever.

More often that not, his tweets are posted via a website called Sulia. Tom gets paid every time one of these links which he posts gets clicked on, this is why he posts so many and often posts the link more than once. Normally, he posts a YouTube video or an image via a Sulia link rather than just tweeting it in the hope of him exploiting people for more money so the 'Arsenal' fan (he used to support Preston) can do anything to not a job and still claim to be a 'journalist'.

Tom often is very contradicting. For example, he once posted a tweet saying 'Remember that one week when Benteke was good?' and a few days after he received a tweet asking him if he would have Benteke at his 'beloved' Arsenal to which he replied saying 'definitely'.

How he has achieved this Twitter fame is anyone's guess but may God help us all.
"Hey, did you see that image that FourFourTom posted on Twitter?"
"Was it an image that I've seen 100 times before and posted via a Sulia link?"
"Yeah, that's the one!"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:46:03