a different spelling for fucks.
I give zero fqs.
"Fuck you"
The phonetic sound of the "F" coupled with the name of the letter "Q".
The phonetic sound of the "F" coupled with the name of the letter "Q".
OMFG. You just ninja'd my boots of sneaking! FQ!
Basically means “Fuck you” when the middle schoolers moms bust them for ‘fu q’
I’m gonna name my guy FQ, mom hasn’t blocked that yet
Force Quit, usually in mac computers when the application freezes not responding.
Hold on, I have to FQ this app because it wasn't responding
Fq means can also mean friend request
Human species :Hey Neveah i sent u fq
Another human species named Neveah:oh okay I’ll add u back.
Another human species named Neveah:oh okay I’ll add u back.
Femme Queen
Did you see that FQ at the Harlem Vogue Ball last night.
The richest most nutritious man on earth, paler than average guy from Saudi Arabia.
Have you seen fqtrmnmoe?