

俚语 frank'd


In reference to the Camp Workcoeman Ranger, Frank Gallaher. To "improve" or "fix" any broken (or unbroken) object. In reality, this only prolongs having someone more qualified fix the object in question, or replacing it altogether. Also: Un-Frank, Un-Frank'd: To actually put a lasting and altogether useful fix on a broken item, or to reverse a Franking.
"What are you doing there?"
"Well, my mailbox got Frank'd by my dad, so I'm trying to repair the damage. It'll take a few days, though."


a classic expression used to describe a younger girl who is easily heartbroken and constantly complains.

Also tends to prey on lonely boys to trap them in a long lasting relationship then after they're broken up becomes obsessive and wants to stalk them 24/7
Boy 1: Hows your missus' mate

Boy 2: oh nah mate dont mention that ive be totally Frank'd


to give a girl anal sex while she's under the impression it's another guy
This chick was laying naked on some other guy, so i just walked in and frank'd her. She had no idea.

lisa frank'd

exploding with color; can also be used to describe a vivacious personality.
Have you been into the sunglasses hut lately? It's like the entire shade industry has been lisa frank'd.

I couldn't decide what color to paint my toenails, so i just lisa frank'd them.

She used to be so dull and emo, but now she's lisa frank'd.

Barney Frank'd

Can mean many things. It is typically used to describe something the government fucks up, and can also be used to describe government taxing you up the ass. In Massachusetts you are expected just to bend over and take it, thus being Barney Frank'd.

I just payed my taxes in Massachusetts and I've really gotten Barney Frank'd this year.

Fannie May and Freddie Mac really got Barney Frank'd.

Wow, the DMV was such a pain in the ass. I got Barney Frank'd so bad I could swear Barney Frank himself had bent me over anf fucked me in the ass.


When you ask someone to play a game or do something, so you boot the game or start doing something while waiting for him to join, he then later says i'll be there in 30 minutes though.;
Friend: Do you want to play a game?
You: Yes I will boot it now.
Friend (after the person booted said game): In 30 minutes though.

You: he just frank'd me




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