

俚语 frankenstien


Rolling a cigaette out of the butts you find at a local ashtray.

Astray = Public cemetary
Cig butts = Dead Bodys
Roller = Dr. Frankenstien

Usually done by the homelss and hard-up broke ass smokers
I'm gonna hit the starbucks so I can roll a frankenstien.


1.Frankenstein is a type of weed found in California

2. an ugly face
1. hello can i bye some "frankenstien".

2. dude your face is "frankenstien".


the act of putting a strand of barbed wire into a pipe and inserting into your anus, removing the pipe while keeping the barbed wire inserted... then enjoying the pure pleasure.
i walked in on my uncle getting a frankenstien from his "friend."


the lowering of the scrotum into the waiting vagina. best accomplished in the sumo ready-position
you know what rules to do to bitches? frankenstien. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopen you pizza special area to me peen

frankenstien feet

The fiercest odor known to men kind. The odor develops after a person spends long nights playing cards and drinking in the same pair of socks. The smell is compaired to a mix of rotten blogna and damp cigerettes. This odor has made the toughest of men cry while putting half dollar holes in your mothers favorite blankets. Historians call the smell "farley"

"Dave's Frankenstien feet were so bad it sank my full boat at the poker table"
"I swear to god i would rather fuck a bitch with aids then frankenstien feet"
"I let Dave barrow my nike air max sneakers and they came back flat due to his frankenstien feet"

Frankenstien's Foreskin

The dead, scarred flesh left as the result of too much cosmetic surgery.
After having her tits do the hokey-cokey one time too many, Jordan's bust still looked great from the top,
but the underside looked like Frankenstien's foreskin.




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