A frankentag is a series of tags from different Facebook pages and/or groups in which words from each are selectively used in succession to create what deceptively appears to be a single tag. Frankentag is also a verb, meaning to create a frankentag. For example, to create a frankentag that reads "This is a Frankentag," One could tag the groups, "This is a weird hill to die on," and "how dare you frankentag I trusted you," and backspace the words "weird hill to die on," "how dare you," and "I trusted you." This is often used to respond to a humorously specific situation that appears as a link to a page for ironic effect.
Currently, the ability to frankentag only exists on apple iPhones within the facebook app.
Currently, the ability to frankentag only exists on apple iPhones within the facebook app.
I wish this wasn't a frankentag, because that would be a really interesting group to join.