Plural of amogus, specifically referring to multiple images or artwork that look like crewmembers in Among Us.
Hey, who the fuck put those amogi on our /r/place canvas?!
The plural form of amogus.
Dude 1: He drew 69 morbillion amoguses.
Dude 2: Amogi*
Dude 2: Amogi*
Plural of amogus
I love these amogi references. Makes me laugh.
When my uncle comes within 400 feet of my school
My uncle committed arson Totally chungus amogis
Singular of Amongus, used in minecraft for building one among us character by the PGS,
brought by the People's Gregic Society
brought by the People's Gregic Society
Igblon: *walks*
Igblon: *sees amogi*
Igblon: *dies*
Igblon: *sees amogi*
Igblon: *dies*
a word meaning of honor ship
we are the amogy and welcome you and look o forward too our partnership
A word to tell your friends.
Person A: Hi Amogi!
Person B: Hi
Person B: Hi