

俚语 freckle fuck

freckle fuck

an annoying white person with an abundant amount of freckles. Probably has an extremely close relationship with his father, almost to the point that it's homoesexual
Freckle Fuck: Aww gee dad, your the best, thanks for taking me hunting!
Freckle Fuck's Father: It's nothing son, your my boy and I'm proud of you. Now lets sing a song!

freckle fucked

One man or woman covered from fucking face to toe in freckles. Caused by gingeritis.
Carrot Top or Lindsay Lohan circa Parent Trap are totally freckle fucked

Freckled Fuck Face

That one white annoying-ass sevie on your bus that pisses everybody off to the point of suicide.
That Alex kid is a Freckled Fuck Face.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 0:44:14