

俚语 freedom kissing

freedom kissing

Just like freedom toast and freedom fries, it's an insult to the French.
I just freedom kissed that fine ass chick... We're going back to her place.

freedom kiss

(n) a kiss involving extensive or intensive contact of the inner lips, tongue, and teeth with George W. Bush's ass, especially with prolonged or rhythmic tongue-to-anus contact
Freedom kisses are an excellent way for all Americans to be more patriotic.

freedom kiss

When a person finds another person with blue eyes, cuts their lip so it bleeds, kiss them and then ejaculates on them. The word is an insult by Ameircans to french kissing hence red, white, and blue.
"Hey did you hear what Jimmy and Kristen did at Brad's party on friday night?"

"No what happened?"

"They freedom kissed."




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