

俚语 #frenchfrie


A penis up the butt. Often used jokingly between friends or with someone quite oblivious to what a "frenchfry" is.
-Dammit, don't make me shank you with a frenchfry.

-Would you like a frenchfry?

sissy frenchfry

synonym for a leader who stands for tolerance and equality. A reference to the 2005 film.
The Sissy Frenchfry's of the world have to stand up against intolerance and oppression, wherever it occurs.

snowy frenchfry

a penis with cocaine on top of it
Heather loved brian's snowy frenchfry, she such a coke head!

frenchfry lottery

Game best played at McDonald'd drive thru. It is the hope that when waiting in a crazy long line at a drive-thru that isn't moving AT ALL that they'll at least have fresh fries.
Today I was at Micky D's and the line wasn't moving at all. At least I was next in line. Turns out I hit the frenchfry lottery. SCORE!

Today at Burger King the line wrapped all the way around the building. I swear the line wasn't moving at all. I hit the frenchfry lotto, but somehow it still isn't as good as Micky D's.

freddy frenchfry

someone who has sex for twenty five dollars and this is the softest pillow that's ever been on my face. our teacher is a frog. i'm a zaheer.
yo ho youS a freddy frenchfry, dig?


frenchfries..com is my lovely boyfriend of course!
Person 1- Who is frenchfries..com
Me- that's my lovey boyfriend!


frenchfries..com is my amazing and lovely boyfriend!1!1! <3
Person 1-who is frenchfries..com?!
Me-my amazing boyfriend!!




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