

俚语 fried shitting

fried shitting

When one is severely in over their head in a situation and tries to avoid a question or comment by either: overreacting, avoiding the question or comment, or changing the subject in a way obvious to anyone listening
"I was watching this guy do a backflip over a trash can and he asked me to do it, so i double backflipped over two trash cans" "no you didn't that not possible!" "yes i did you should've seen it, don't try to call me a liar you fucking idiot, hey look a goose!" "no way dude we just caught you "fried shitting" admit it!"

fried shit

Used to show exactly how dumb is someone compared to fried shit
You're as dumb as fried shit for not knowing ....

deep fried shit

When you take a shit and once it comes out your asshole burns.
Matt: I had these hot ass wings yesterday and when i took a shit afterwards my ass was on fire.
Joe: no way dude, thats a deep fried shit

stir fried shit

Terrible, horrible, atrocious food. The worst tasting thing ever.
My mother-in-law's meatloaf tasted terriblelike stir fried shit.

KFS (Kentucky Fried Shits)

a few hours after you have KFC your stomach feels really bad because their chicken quality is shit, you take a diarhea that feels like you shit broken glass. it makes you sad face :(
Allen -hey jake wanna get some KFC?

Jake - sure man i want extra drumsticks

3 hrs later...

allen - omg we shouldnt have gotten KFC i just had the KFS (Kentucky Fried Shits)

Jake - yeah me too...

Allen- u used my other bathroom to shit
KFS? damn you use your own bathroom bitch!

Holy Fucking Chicken-Fried Shit Patties

An exclamation of surprise akin to "holy shit," designed for situations or events for which it would be necessary to use something crazier than "holy fucking shit."
Max: "Hey look, you're ex is making out with that guy you hate!"
Me: "Holy fucking chicken-fried shit patties!"

shit fries

The stinky ass kid in your Chem class that always mouths weird things to you like "help me" and stairs at you until you notice then does a weird ass gesture




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