

俚语 friend dump

friend dump

To dump a friend or stop being friends with someone.
Normally occurs as a result of someone being particularly lame.
"hi john"
-"sup nigs"
"john why are you talking like that?"
-"cos i real hombre"
"someday i'm gonna have to friend dump you."

Friend Dumped

When a friend breaks off a friendship with another friend, much like a regular breakup. Usually, the dumpee is unaware of why they are being friend dumped.
Amy: "I don't think we should be friends anymore."
Beth: "Why?"
Amy: "It's just not working out."

Amy goes to her friend Suzy.

Amy: "Beth just said we shouldn't be friends anymore."
Suzy: "Girl, you just got friend dumped."

Friend dumped

Usually when there are problems in the friendship and one doesn’t think it’ll last.
If the relationship was strong the person being dumped will go through a lot of mental pain.
Friend 1: “I feel like we are heading in different paths, our friendship won’t last in the long run.”
Friend 2: “Are you serious? Everything I’ve done for you. Where could’ve it gone wrong. I can’t believe you just friend dumped me.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:47:05