The act of deleting someone/yourself from someone's friends list on Myspace Facebook Friendster.
"Dood, that hot chick on Myspace is totally shit testing me, so i'm gonna commit friendicide tonight"
The merciful act of helping a friend end his own pathetic existence.
You and your friend work together selling cars in Wisconsin in the middle of the winter. You are stuck at the dealership for long miserable hours with no traffic and nothing to do. "Dude, I fucking hate my life, you think you could do me a solid and commit friendicide on my sorry ass"?
To help eradicate a friend under false pretenses because of an intentionally skewed perception of them.
That J. E. Was a victim of Friendicide due to believing a bunch of psychological mumbo jumbo meant to cater to they're desires but actually to make them complicit in a murder while being entrapped by law enforcement.