

俚语 frizzle-frazzle

Frizzle Frazzle

An expression of frustration.

"Edwin smacked his thumb with a hammer and then yelled 'frizzle frazzle'."

After a long hard day at work, Ed's feet were hurting so he mumbled frizzle frazzle.

Frizzle Frazzle

1. (v) To engage in vigorous sexual activities with either yourself or another person.
Last night, while on the phone, my girlfriend asked me to frizzle frazzle.


1. (n) Over-processed, brittle, permed hair. Apparent by split ends, and fly-aways.
Pam's bleach-blonde frizzle-frazzle rustled like dry leaves.

Frizzle Frazzled

Being stoned or fried.
Geesh mate, I'm feelin' a bit frizzle frazzled.




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