

俚语 frog-sex

Frog Sex

A hip new sexual craze that all of the kids are into! A man hides his ejaculate somewhere in an abandoned warehouse. A bunch of girls run around rabidly trying to find it and stuff it in their vaginal orifices. Just like a frog!
"Are you tired?"

"Yeah I was running all over the warehouse last night. You know, Frog Sex. By the way I think I'm preggers."


Frog-sex is a kind of penetrative anal or vaginal sex where male and female lay on each other (belly down) just like frogs.

During the intercourse the male push hard once or twice a minute (very hard, very slow) emitting the classical frog noise (a deep CRAAAAAAAAH) while pushing.

Better if you're dressed like a frog
Yesterday i broke my frenulum doing frog-sex


A ex-frog is a girl who looks as though she wouldn't get any (aka. ugly as fuck), but in fact sleeps around a lot and often, this girl is bi-sexual.
"Did you hear about ____ and ____?"
"YEAH! She's a total sex-frog, bluergh!"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:33:44