

俚语 frog’s ass

frog ass

A person with a very small ass. Possibly angled like a frog or just having no ass.
Dude she has such a fuckin Frog Ass! I know dude that is sick!

frog ass

When one suffers from a perpetual case of swamp ass.
Man, that busta over there's got a turrible frog ass. You can almost here it squeak when he walks. Ugh.

is a frogs ass water tight

This is a phrase that hails from the heart of Georgia. It is used to describe something that is so obvious.
Davi - Are we going to get Chimichangas

Gus - Is a frogs ass water tight.

Ass frog(s)

Yummie edible gelatin gummie candy formed in a reptile shape with a marshmallow coating on one side, which when held to your nose smells like butt.
I smell ass frogs, did you pass gass?

Frog’s Ass

Having absolutely nothing resembling a normal rear end. A backside void of any substance. Much like a frog whos back just splits into 2 legs.
Hey look at Patty, she’s got a Frog’s Ass.




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