its a short form of frustration...
"oo" are pronounced as "u"
just as in wool
it sounds cool when you study in college
"oo" are pronounced as "u"
just as in wool
it sounds cool when you study in college
i am feeling froost due to this work overload
Someone who thinks they can avoid my judgement if they change their name from frossst to froost
I'm going to add it to the urban dictionary again froost
Froosted flacks
The ripoff brand of frosted flakes.
Side effects from ingesting froosted flacks include skin discoloration, rashes, chest pain, vomiting, numing of the body, blindess, hearing loss, and a intense urge to buy more froosted flacks.
Pronunciation (froo-sted fla-ck-s
Side effects from ingesting froosted flacks include skin discoloration, rashes, chest pain, vomiting, numing of the body, blindess, hearing loss, and a intense urge to buy more froosted flacks.
Pronunciation (froo-sted fla-ck-s
"I'm going to the store for more froosted flacks."