

俚语 frosticle


when extreme cold temperatures causes frost and even ice to form on one or both testicles
When the weather report said to expect temperatures to drop below freezing, Jason wrapped a scarf around his balls to prevent frosticles


The act of crop dusting every time you tread with your right foot.
A person who is an extreme pussy rider who loves drinking vaginal fluids.
I'm so gonna frosticide all over you tonight.

You have just been frosticled.

Frosticles all over the sheets!


The annoying layer of frosty icy stuff that develops on old and or previously semi-thawed ice cream.
Opening up a tub of seemingly tasty looking ice cream and... Oh Shit ‘Frosticles’... i guess i can eat around them (knowing full well that it’s still gonna taste like shit)


the testicles of a snowman
"Janet and Sandy, look at the frosticles on that snowman!"


When your lady parts get moist and then cold causing them to freeze
"I had to run out on anthony early last night and I got such a bad frosticle walking home with no panties on"


A new and different way to say snow, or talk about the solid form of water
"Hey look man frosticles are falling from the sky!"

"There are frosticles everywhere!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:45:52