To stop playing a game out of a frustration towards an event that transpired within the game. The causes can be due to real life circumstances or in the game.
Twast: Stop fragging and capture the flag, Jues
Jues: Nobody is trying to capture the flag, they're killing us before arriving there
Korma: Why no one captures the flag? jeesh I'm tired of that
Korma has left the server
Twast: He frustraquit, we didn't collaborated as should
Jues: Nobody is trying to capture the flag, they're killing us before arriving there
Korma: Why no one captures the flag? jeesh I'm tired of that
Korma has left the server
Twast: He frustraquit, we didn't collaborated as should
To stop playing a game out of a frustration towards an event that transpired within the game. The causes can be due to real life circumstances or in the game.
He frustraquit, no teammate collaborated as should.