An acronym meaning: Fem with Stud-like Swagger! It is an a term that originated in Baton Rouge, La as an insider for the women of the GAMz. They are also referred to as Stems sometimes.
A: Is she a fem or a stud?
B: Kind of both, but b/c of different aspects of her.
A: She a stem?
B: No. Just a F.S-L.S.
A: What does that mean?
B: She has a girly figure and features, but she has the swag of a stud!
A: I get it. That's what's up!
B: I know right?!
B: Kind of both, but b/c of different aspects of her.
A: She a stem?
B: No. Just a F.S-L.S.
A: What does that mean?
B: She has a girly figure and features, but she has the swag of a stud!
A: I get it. That's what's up!
B: I know right?!