

俚语 fuck asses

fuck ass

An annoying, dickish, and idiotic person. Someone who embodies the qualities of a fuck ass.
B.J. is such a fuck ass. He needs to be curb stomped.

fuck ass

Means someone who is arrogant annoying, an asshole just a complete idiot. Used in Donnie Darko.
"you're such a fuck ass!"
"did you just call me a fuck ass?"
"well you can go suck a fuck!"
"oh and how does one suck a fuck?"
"you want me to tell ya?"
"please tell me"

haha sorry got a bit carried away with the donnie darko script. Hah!

fuck ass

Nick-name of the bartender in Boondock Saints, because it is what he says when having Turrets spasms
"Hey Fuck ass, get me a beer"
"Fuck! Ass!"

fuck ass

A funny insult used in the movie "Donnie Darko".
"You know you're a fuck ass!"
-Donnie Darko (Jake Guyllenhal; however you spell that fucker's name)

fuck ass

an annoying person, someone who has blurted out one of your secrets... like in the movie Donnie Darko
"-Do you wanna tell Mom and Dad why you stopped taking you medication?
-You're such a fuckass!"

fuck ass

verb (slang);; seeing something that gives you a boner and maybe even makes you jiz in your pants.
He's hot, I'd fuck ass.

fuck ass

synonym for damn or fucking
that was pretty fuck ass funny!




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