

俚语 fuck body

Fuck Body

Just a body to fuck without character or feeling.
The fuck body was good for efficient, German sex.

kill yourself and fuck the body

An expression that gently informs the listener that their company or commentary is not appreciated.

See also: fuck off and die
You: Hi. Nice weather, huh?
Me: Kill yourself and fuck the body!

Fuck-A-Bitch Body

A guy who has sculpted abs from fucking a lot of bitches
That one guy from Britney Rears 3 has that fuck-a-bitch body


A Virtual Body Fuck (VBF) consists of one humanoid animal taking advantage of a human being by using whatever means necessary up to and including narcissistic behavior to get something from or something done by another person. The result is a virtual new hole in the victim's body due to a Virtual Body Fuck.
Virgina Cox really asked for a Virtual Body Fuck VBF)) when she let Richard Johnson back into her life; I mean pants, whoops I mean bedroom.

Full Body Fuck Down

Anything that is extremely tiring and thoroughly physically taxing which results in aches and pains. Such as 2 hours of muay thai, a full day of snowboarding, or single handedly fighting a contingent of angry midgets.
A: Jesus, you look like shit.
B: Ugh. yeah. just had a full body fuck down.
A: What?
B: 6 hours of advanced secret ninja assassin training. at 3am.
A: oh damn.

this dude is actually fucking a dead body

Holy shit what the fuck why would he do this
Brian: “this dude is actually fucking a dead body”
Jake: “what the hell why would he do something as horrible as that?”
Brian: “he said no homo tho”
Jake: “oh ok it’s fine then”




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