

俚语 fuckboi nation

fuckboi nation

(noun) A place or website that is home to a large population of fuckbois
(noun) An imaginary group that consists solely of fuckbois; usually stated as an insult when claiming that someone belongs to the aforementioned group
Person1 - Hey, did you hear that the city planned on building a teen's club.
Person2 - Ugh, can you imagine all the horny and entitled 12 year olds there?
Person1 - I know, that place is going to be fuckboi nation

Sam - You cheated on your girl in front of her?
Ed - Yeah, I pull all the bitches. They can't keep their hands off me.
Sam - Bruh, you're seriously a part of fuckboi nation.

National Fuckboy Day

National Fuckboy day is on September 13th every year. Many fuckboys have been born on this day and unfortunately, this month. There are those few boys that escape this policy and others who are born on the other 335 days in the year. On this day, we mourn for those who have been tortured by the pathetic fuckboys, and allow ourselves to be even more petty than we usually are, they deserve it.
OMG, Chad was born on National Fuckboy Day...don't fuck with him.

National fuckboy day

National fuckboy day is on the 21st of September and is widely spread by the legendary men who pull bitches
how Do you get so many women ?
I was born on the 21st of September national fuckboy day

National Fuckboy Day

22nd october is the national fuckboy day
-When is the national fuckboy day
-22nd of october




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