

俚语 fucked in the eye

Fucked in the eye

The result of an adverse situation one has encountered. Usually the result of someone elses behaviour.

Leaves you feeling as if someone has literally removed your eyeball, and inserted their genitalia into your gaping socket for their own enjoyment, with minimal concern for yourself.

You can even do this to yourself if your own behaviour warrants.
"Adrian felt fucked in the eye by Richard"

"Gary fucked himself in the eye by not revising for his exam"

"Matthew has a habit of fucking everything in the eye"

i have a fuck in my eye

When someone rubs their eye with their middle finger as a way to covertly flip off someone else.
Sarah: Hey look it's that jerk who called you a slut yesterday!
Kat: Hang on, I think I have a fuck in my eye

Fuck me eyes

Eyes were people think you want to fuck them.

Sometimes though it’s just there eye shape
-guy across the room- “she has fuck me eyes, I’m so getting laid!”

-approaches female with said eyes-
-she declines him-

fuck me eyes

the eyes say "fuck me" without the mouth saying a word
I saw those fuck me eyes she had, and I knew I was getting lucky

Fuck Me Eyes!

A request uttered, shouted or grumbled by a pirate (or two pirates at one another) when they lusting for eye socket fornication.
"YARR, we've been out to sea far too long, and the hole in my rump has gotten all rotted up. Sickly and vile, unsuitable for penetration. So, FUCK ME EYES! YARR!"

Fuck me eyes

When someone looks at you like they want to fuck
“She looked at me with fuck me eyes.”

fuck-me eyes

eyes that make you wanna hump the person
Nick valensi of the strokes




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