

俚语 fuck fit

Fuck Fit

The level of physical fitness one tries to achieve after a break up or in anticipation of an epic weekend. Usually in attempt to be appealing sexually to another guy/chick.
1) "Hey, you hear Heather dumped me?"
"Yeah, sucks man. Sorry to hear that. Well, time to get fuck fit and get back out there."

2) "Hey, Rick is getting married."
"Seriously?! When?"
"In July. The bachelor party is in Vegas the week before."
"Cool, that gives me plenty of time to get fuck fit again. I look like shit!"

fuck fit

A type of emotional tantrum short for:
A "no- good- fucking- reason- im- being- a- little- bitch" fit.
Girlfriend: So I dont think Ill be able to make it to see you today, I have a midterm tomorrow and I really need to get a good grade.
Boyfriend: Oh..Alright... nice to see you don't care about me. I think we just may have to end this now if you're gonna be like that..you always put school before me...
Girlfriend:...wtf? Dont have a fuck fit about it...im seeing you tomorrow... o.O

Fucking Fit Thursday

Also known as "FFT." Have you ever noticed that people tend to work out on Thursdays? Or maybe you yourself tend to work out on Thursdays. This phenomenon occurs because it's Fucking Fit Thursday. Every Thursday, your body sends out kinesthetic neurons to your muscles. Your muscles then begin to ache and twitch. This is because your muscles are craving the exercise. Once you begin to work out, you'll realize that your muscles are beginning to calm down and that your endorphines are at their peak. You will be able to work out for hours, but remember this only occurs on Thursdays.
Dude. It's Fucking Fit Thursday!

Aw You’re Fucking Fit

Means you’re calling someone attractive for either their looks or something they did
Friend: *buys you a burrito*

You: “Aw you’re fucking fit”

do you fuck with this fit

It’s a question asking someone if they like your outfit or would you wear it.
Sarah: hey do you fuck with this fit
Sally: yeah it’s so cute




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