

俚语 fuck for a buck

fuck for a buck

1. Cheap dirty diseased whore or prostitute.
2. Someone who is worth laying, would be a decent shag.
1. Look at her, i can tell she would fuck for a buck!

2. Look at her, she's worth a fuck for a buck!

Fuck and Buck

A different phrase for hit it and quit it.
To have sex with someone then never contact them again.
Bro, every party we go to Chuck likes to Fuck and Buck.

Fuck and Buck

When a guy has sex with a girl and dips. hit it and quit it.
"Me and steven had sex on saturday and he hasnt answered my calls and he hasnt talked to me since.."-girl 1

"damn steven fucked and bucked!"-random dude

"i didnt know he was the fuck and buck type *cries*"-girl 1

fucks for bucks

Prostitution or a sex worker who is paid from working at a legal brothel or a pornstar who has sex on camera for money.
I've got a client who is asking for me, so I gotta go! I understand girl, its fucks for bucks. prostitution, working girl, pornstar, sex worker, sex, porn, brothel, pimp

fuck buck

its when you peel the label off of a bottle of beer (ie. Sam Adams Pale ale) perfectly, then you can give a girl the label and she has to have sexual intercourse with you
hey girl, here is this fuck buck, you have to fuck me now.

fuck bucks

A pool of cash or store of wealth that ultimately, and only, goes to paying for sex, or the opportunity to have sex.
Damn, I ran out of credits on that website, time to load up on fuck bucks.

Dude, you have to break that $100 at McDonalds to get some fuck bucks.

Fuck Bucks

The act of sexual favors for money.
I'm going for some fuck bucks tonight.




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