

俚语 fuckin asshole

fuckin asshole

1. Any one of any of my ex-girlfriends current or new boyfriends, that date them after I do.

Derived from ancient term "fucking asshole son of a bitch... fuck-rag" used by man to describe his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend.
My ex-girlfriend Lindsay's boyfriend Ryan is a fuckin asshole, I wish he would get drunk and stumble into traffic.

you fuckin asshole

something you say to someone when they fuck up when they are driving and has to be said in a tony montana voice.
driver 1.screeeeeeech. oh shit!
driver 2. You Fuckin asshole!

fuckin asshole dick

1. what you call your friend when he's a dick and he fucks ass
Nick Cannon: Yeah man I fuck in the ass hole yo
Aaron Carter: OH NO! <("<) fuckin asshole dick!




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